Bodybuilder John Cena workout and Diet Plan
John Cena Fitness regimen and Eating plan
John Cena isn’t as strong because he looks. He’s stronger. Working alongside longtime friend and trainer Rob MacIntyre, Cena has shifted from the bodybuilding training he knew growing up to focus more on pure strength gains allowing him to maintain aesthetic muscles while improving his athleticism and capacity injury.
The workouts such as the following are Cena’s actual routine, modified only slightly for all those less experienced. The 10-time WWE champ and two-time World Heavyweight champ tries hitting a whole new max on his main lifts every 6 weeks. Follow the program, and you may break your old records therein same some time and reap the posterior tibial muscle gains that come from lifting bigger weights.
Perform exercises marked with letters (“a,” “b,” and sometimes “c”) in circuit fashion—complete one set for every single if you want, resting pro re nata between sets. repeat until all sets for your circuit are complete. The residual exercises are done as straight sets.
Weekly, you’ll get to a particular percentage of one's max about the snatch and power clean. If these lifts are new to you, simply make a conservative guess in regards to what your max might be. Heat up with low-rep sets and gradually add weight soon you reach a challenging load it is possible to handle with perfect form for that required reps. Tend not to head to failure—leave a rep or two “in the tank” until Week 6, whenever you will test your strength. Rest if you need between all sets.
The squat, front squat, and the flat bench press will not require percentages. Simply work up to the heaviest load you possibly can handle for that prescribed sets and reps. See the tables in the bottom of every day's workout.
more info Bodybuilder John Cena Workout
Weekly, you’ll get to a particular percentage of one's max about the snatch and power clean. If these lifts are new to you, simply make a conservative guess in regards to what your max might be. Heat up with low-rep sets and gradually add weight soon you reach a challenging load it is possible to handle with perfect form for that required reps. Tend not to head to failure—leave a rep or two “in the tank” until Week 6, whenever you will test your strength. Rest if you need between all sets.
The squat, front squat, and the flat bench press will not require percentages. Simply work up to the heaviest load you possibly can handle for that prescribed sets and reps. See the tables in the bottom of every day's workout.

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